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HTML Layout Editor Options

The tree of items you can choose to style in the Layout Editor is divided into several sections. Each section is described below, with the items you can style and the options available for them.

Many of the items and options are self-explanatory and have explanations right in the Layout Editor. So only the items that may not be immediately transparent are explained below.


The options here are only for the clean HTML/XHTML, not for HTML5 Layout Editor Options. However, it also has options that apply when you choose to create a Zendesk layout. (Last section)


Learn how to set the footnote appearance for HTML, HTML5 and SCORM output, see Footnote Settings.




Upload your own CSS to modify the default layout.

SEO-friendly permalinks

Use to control whether Paligo uses the topic ID as the URL in the output or a more user-friendly URL. User-friendly URLs are also better for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Use a short and flat URL structure for output files

If you have SEO-friendly permalinks enabled, output paths will have a nested folder structure, by default.

Enabling this option will instead create a flat URL structure, generating shorter URL paths.

Default: Disabled

Use permalinks made with id and SEO name

If you have enabled a flat URL structure (see Use a short and flat URL structure for output files), the default output file name is based on the title only.

With Use permalinks made with id and SEO name, you can set the file names to be a combination of the topic id and the title, for example, '123-my-topic.html'.

Default: Disabled

Allow reserved characters in permalinks

Some characters, such as commas and semicolons are classed as "reserved" characters. Use this setting to control whether reserved characters can be used in output file names. Set it to Enabled to allow reserved characters or Disabled to prevent them being used.

Default: Enable.

Use resource name instead of title for the HTML output filename

Use to set Paligo to use the resource (topic) name (instead of the title inside it) to create the output filename.

Default: Disabled (Output filename is created from the topic title)


If you only need to use the resource name for individual topics, rather than all topics, use the xinfo:outname attribute on the topic's section element instead. Enter the name you want as the filename as the xinfo:outname value.

Keep the letter case of the title for the HTML output filename

Use this setting to control whether output names are all lower case or can use upper case letters too. By default, the output file names only use lower case letters, for example, my-topic.html.

Set to Disabled for lower case only or Enabled to allow upper case letters. We recommend that you only set this to Enabled if you have a specific reason for using upper case letters.

Default: Disable (output file names are all lower case).

Make extra clean XHTML

The HTML output by default creates a clean valid XHTML. But it can be further cleaned by using this parameter to use e.g divs with classes instead of elements to denote emphasis, and similar.

Default: disabled (0).

Use inline style attributes

In some cases, the HTML output will include a style attribute, such as list style type on lists. If you want to exclude such attributes too, to only apply external CSS with classes, using no inline CSS, disable this option.

Default: enabled (1).

Create single page XHTML

Multipage: 0, single page: 1.

Default: multipage (0)

Create a topic for reused publications

If you reuse publications within another publication, you can select whether that publication should be treated as a top-level topic, or if only its child topics should be reused.

This setting needs to be enabled for the filtering to work for the parent publication.

Default: Enabled.

Only create topic for reused publications if no top-level topic

With this option enabled, you can mix reused publications where there is a top-level topic in some (in which case no title topic will be created for the publication), together with publications that have no top-level topic (in which case a title topic will be created for the publication).

Default: Disabled

Use angle bracket delimiters around email

When enabled, Paligo adds angle brackets around email addresses in your content.

Default: Enabled.

Bibliography auto-title

Use to control whether Paligo adds a "Bibliography" title for your bibliographies.

If you have a bibliography in a separate topic and it has two "Bibliography" titles, you should disable this feature. (The two titles are because one title is for the topic and the other title is auto-generated for the bibliography).

For details, see Deactivate Bibliography Auto-Titles.

Re-sort sorted tables automatically on publish

Even if you have sorted a table in the editor, re-sorting them on publish can be useful for example if you publish to multiple languages (in which case the sort order may be different), or if you have missed updating the sort before you publish.


This will only affect tables that you have sorted with the sort commands in the editor first. 

Default: enabled.

Exclude label for abstract

If enabled, the label for an abstract is excluded from output. This is useful if you do not need it, and if publishing to multiple formats where hiding it with CSS does not work.

Default: disabled.



Output taxonomies as class names

If enabled, you can get your taxonomy categories into your output as class names for further processing (e.g by css and javascript).

Value structure for taxonomy class names

You can set whether class names from taxonomies should output the value and all its descendant values in a taxonomy tree, just the value itself, or the value and its parent.

Default: Value and descendants

Underscore delimiter for taxonomy class names

When enabled, an underscore ('_') will be used to separate the parts of a taxonomy value output for class names in HTML5, instead of a dash ('-').

For most common purposes this is not necessary, but can be useful if you need to further process the separate parts of the value.

Default: disabled (dash is used)

Taxonomy filtering strategy

You can set whether taxonomies should be used for filtering, and whether to output the value and all its descendant values in a taxonomy tree, or just the value itself.

If you want to enable taxonomies for filtering, the most recommended value is to select "Descendants" to take advantage of the hierarchy of a taxonomy.

Default: Disabled

Output role attribute as class names

If enabled, you can get your role attributes into your output as class names for further processing (e.g by css and javascript).

Output profile/filtering attributes as class names

If enabled, you can get your profile/filtering attributes into your output as class names for further processing (e.g by css and javascript), such as creating "on-the-fly" filtering.

Use xml:lang as profiling attribute

If enabled, the language attribute xml:lang can be used for filtering on language (natural languages like Swedish, Japanese, etc)

Glossary popovers

When enabled, glossary terms will display the definition in a pop over in HTML5 Help Center output, when the user hovers over it.

Note: This currently has no effect on legacy HTML5.

Default: enabled for Help Center output.



Use graphics for code callouts

If you'd prefer, you can use a graphic for the code callout, an svg image will then be used. Max 30 callouts with this option.

Use unicode symbol for code callouts

Another option is to use a unicode symbol for callouts. If this is set a symbol similar to the graphic and Font Awesome version will be used. Max 20 callouts with this option.


If all of the above code callout options are disabled, a simple plain text output will be used for the callouts. By default a number within parentheses like this (1), but this can be modified in your CSS.

Use Font Awesome glyphs for code callouts

If you use calloutlist for annotating code samples, you can use Font Awesome for the "callout bugs". This is the default for HTML5.



Image Size

To find out more, see Adjust Image Resolution.



Fix cross links outside of publication scope

When publishing to Zendesk, Paligo will try to resolve even cross-references pointing to content that is not part of the current publication, so that you can publish to separate categories one at a time, but have links between them resolved.

Create article for the section topic

When publishing to Zendesk, Paligo will by default create a Zendesk article out of the content at the top-level topic, with the same title as the Zendesk 'section' created.

If you only use the top-level topic as a title for the section, you can disable this. Then only the section title will be created for that topic, and only the topics below it become articles.


  • If you disable this option, to not have an article created for the section, you cannot have a single article with no subtopics in your publication: each top-level topic must have at least one level of subtopics under it.

    Publishing with just a single topic will produce an error on publish.

  • If disabling the section article for existing content that you've published to Zendesk before (without this option disabled), please be aware that you need to keep the same topics ("forks") in your publication.

    I.e, you cannot rebuild the publication by dragging the same topics in again, you need to rearrange them in the same publication. Otherwise, the topics will get new ids, and new articles will be published instead of updating the existing ones.

    Some rearranging of articles may also be necessary after first re-publish.

    It is strongly recommended to test with a dummy publication with the default (enabled), and then re-publishing it with the option disabled, to see the effect.


Disabling this will not remove previously published 'section' articles. 

Default: enabled

Use separate styling for label, number, and title in formal elements

If enabled, each part of the title for formal elements, like a table, example, or figure, will get a span element with a specific class name, so they can be styled differently or excluded, using CSS. Default: disabled.