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Cover Pages and Front Matter

For PDF outputs, you can create front covers and back covers so that your documents can be printed out as a complete "book".

For example, the following images show designs for the front cover of two different user guides.

Example of a user guide cover. Abstract background image with title and logo in foreground.
Example of a user guide cover. Abstract background image with title and logo in foreground.

To set up your covers for PDF, you can use a combination of:

  • Cover components

    Cover components are special containers that you can associate with each side of a front or back cover. You can add content to them and that content appears in a "content box" on the relevant cover. For example, you could use cover components to add images to the inside of the front cover and both sides of the back cover.

    You can use the PDF layout settings to style the box and control its position.

  • Content in the publication topic

    You can add "info elements" to the publication topic and Paligo will display these on the front cover, the reverse side of the front cover, and potentially the pages that follow it. These are shown in addition to any content boxes from the cover components.

  • PDF layout settings

    The PDF layout has settings for controlling and styling the "info elements" from the publication topic and also the cover components.

We recommend that you use cover components as they allow you to add a back cover and add extra content to any cover. But if you have set up publications without cover components previously, they will continue to work as before.

To see examples of what type of content you can show on each cover, see Design Covers for PDFs. That article also explains where you can find information on setting up the various parts of front covers, front matter pages, and back covers.


You can choose to include the content from publication topics in HTML5 outputs too. To style those, use CSS (see Style with CSS).