October 26, 2023

Providing Compliance & Consistency for Banks and Financial Institutions


In the world of banking and financial services, effective content management is essential. Financial institutions deal with a wide array of content, from product information and compliance disclaimers to financial planning guidance and insurance information to policies and procedures. Ensuring that this content is accurate and consistent across various branches, products, and services can be daunting.

In this blog, we’ll explore why financial institutions and banks need a component content management system (CCMS) to tackle these challenges head-on. We’ll examine how it enables single-sourcing content, content reuse, versioning, and translations and highlight its significance in achieving regulatory compliance.

Content Compliance in Financial Institutions

Managing content in financial institutions with locations across multiple regions can be challenging. It is essential that compliance-related content is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent and that you are efficiently managing the complex processes required to meet regulatory standards. This reduces the risk of regulatory violations and enhances operational efficiency and customer trust.

With the right technology, managing content accurately, consistently, and competently is easier.

A CCMS Supports Financial Compliance and More

A CCMS is the key to streamlining content management in financial institutions and ensuring compliance and brand integrity. There are several ways it helps.

Single-Sourcing Financial Content

Financial institutions create a lot of content, including:

· product and service information
· program details
· Q&As
· legal documents, disclosures
· terms and conditions
· compliance-related materials

In addition to the content they create, banking and financial companies also create policies and procedures that employees follow to ensure they provide customers with the correct information.

By single-sourcing their content, these companies not only store all their content in one place, but they also store it in a manner that enables it to be reused across different publications.

For example, by storing a product overview in the CCMS as a topic, any publication that needs to provide the product overview can reuse it instead of writing its own version. Terms and conditions content is also similar across products, so instead of writing it for every product, a set of terms and conditions can be created, and authors can select from a list the ones required for their product. Another example: banks include many commonly asked questions and answers on their website. These Q&As can be found throughout the website for different products, services, or programs. Often, some questions are common to all products. So, instead of recreating the question and answer for each product, you can create it once in the CCMS and reuse it for all products.

It helps to think of a CCMS as a toolkit. You create content using a structured content model, creating topics, taxonomy, text fragments, admonitions (e.g., warnings), and so on. Instead of reinventing the wheel whenever you create a new publication or document, you select the content from what already exists. If you need brand new content, you can also create it, making it available to others to use in their publications.

When that content gets updated – maybe a change to a regulation or a new compliance requirement is identified – you only need to update your content once. Everywhere that content is used, it will be automatically updated.

Single-sourcing and content reuse ensure your content is accurate and consistent across all your publications and channels. It makes the process of managing content more efficient and compliant.

Version Control

Banks deal with a multitude of documents that require frequent updates to stay compliant. Keeping track of what has and hasn’t been updated is challenging if you are using a traditional content management system. You don’t need to send an outdated version of a legal document to a customer.

A CCMS offers version control capabilities that help you manage versions of your content and ensure that only approved versions are used in the latest documentation. It also maintains an audit trail. Imagine an auditor asking for a historical record of content changes related to a specific product or service. With a CCMS like Paligo, generating an audit trail is a straightforward task. It provides a comprehensive record of content revisions, making compliance audits much more manageable. It’s also possible for a user to include a note regarding which regulation prompted a change.

Localizing Financial Content for a Global Audience

Financial institutions are not confined to a single region. To cater to diverse markets, content must be localized. A CCMS simplifies this process, allowing institutions to tailor content to local audiences. For example, you can use the same product description while customizing specific details for each market. Also, compliance-related content must be accurately adapted to meet local regulatory requirements. You can include a customized set of disclaimers and terms and conditions that adhere to the regulations of a specific market.

A CCMS simplifies the translation process when you are creating content in multiple languages, allowing institutions to communicate effectively with customers regardless of language and location. This is especially important as content changes. If you update the terms and conditions of a series of loan products, you must also ensure that the translated versions are updated. In the Paligo CCMS, you do this by setting off a workflow process that alerts the translation team that a change is made (and approved) and is ready to be translated.

A CCMS provides other benefits to financial institutions. For example, as they grow, banks introduce new products and services and retire old ones. A CCMS can quickly scale up or down with the bank as needed. It can accommodate the increasing demand for new content assets while maintaining the consistency and compliance of that information.

A CCMS also comes with cost savings related to content management. Not only does it help speed up the creation of new content through content reuse, but it also streamlines workflows and improves translation times.

Ensuring Regulatory and Supervisory Compliance

Regulatory requirements in the financial sector are stringent. Institutions must adhere to these requirements without fail. And many regulations relate to the content these institutions create. For example, the Truth in Savings Act (TISA) requires clear and accurate disclosure of terms and conditions for deposit accounts to help consumers make informed decisions. Banks and financial institutions also may need to comply with state-specific regulations in addition to federal ones.

The CCMS plays a pivotal role here. It ensures that all content is up-to-date, accurate, and compliant with the latest regulations. Additionally, it keeps a detailed record of compliance-related changes, easing the stress an audit often brings.

Accurate, Compliant Content is Critical for Financial Institutions

Any company that deals with a large amount of content knows that accurate, consistent content is critical. It’s perhaps even more true for banking and financial institutions that must adhere to strict regulatory and supervisory compliance‌ requirements. A CCMS, like the Paligo CCMS, offers a comprehensive solution to overcome content-related challenges. From ensuring compliance to streamlining workflows and supporting global expansion, a CCMS is an essential tool to help keep financial institutions on the right track.

Are you part of a financial institution grappling with compliance-related content management challenges? Talk to us about your requirements and learn how Paligo can help.
