Paligo in 1 minute: Quick video overview

See why Paligo is a great next step from MadCap Flare

Is Your Documentation a House of Cards?

Most Help Authoring Tools (including MadCap Flare) use HTML as the source. HTML is an unstructured format, meaning that over time HAT tools often create an unstable foundation for documentation as you scale your content team.

To ensure the long-term accuracy, consistency, and reliability of your documentation, you need a full CCMS built on proper XML-based structured authoring. Paligo is a cutting-edge CCMS that makes the transition easy.

Secure your valuable content.

I find myself enjoying the abilities it gives me to really structure my content in a way that users can consume more easily.

Monica White
Monica White, Technical Writer
Help Authoring Tool vs CCMS

Multi-channel publishing anywhere you need it

Paligo publishes to all the standard output formats, like print/PDF and modern HTML5 web output, but also provides the best publishing integrations with Zendesk and Salesforce on the market. And you even have continuous deployment to GitHub, Amazon S3 and many more channels.

Tame the chaos in your documentation

With a true Component Content Management System (CCMS) for technical documentation you have complete control over every little component of your documentation. A level of global control that cannot be achieved in a toolchain with locally installed help authoring tools like MadCap Flare.

It's currently the best web-based CCMS out there.

Fabrizio Ferri-Benidetti
Fabrizio Ferri-Benidetti, Technical Writer
image shows person working in a single source ccms on structured content

Easy import from MadCap Flare(and many other formats)

Speed up your migration with direct import from Microsoft Word, MadCap Flare, DITA, DocBook, HTML, Zendesk, Atlassian Confluence and many more.

Paligo was so intuitive, with a few pointers we got onboarded very quickly.

Mio Kataoka
Mio Kataoka, Director of Technical Content

Paligo vs MadCap Flare

Want to know how Paligo compares to MadCap Flare? Download this document for the full details of how Paligo can help you take the next steps to move from a Help Authoring Tool to a CCMS and scale your technical documentation.

Paligo vs MadCap Flare comparison

See why others are moving from MadCap Flare to Paligo

Learn how Sitecore, PointClickCare, and many others moved from MadCap Flare to Paligo to scale their documentation in a modern and user-friendly Component Content Management System.

(Or check out more case studies here)

If we hadn’t had the content reuse that we have in Paligo, we would have been in big trouble.

Sue Brandt, Director of Documentation, Sitecore

An all-in-one CCMS platform forall your documentation needs

Book a demo

Paligo is a full Component Content Management System (CCMS), which provides a seamless experience in the cloud for teams of technical writers compared to an installed editor like MadCap Flare.

Every technical writer, SME reviewer, and collaborator works “on the same page” with data stored and managed centrally in the cloud – at all times. No shuffling of files back and forth between computers or to separate servers.

Both Paligo and MadCap Flare can publish to Zendesk and Salesforce. But the similarities end there.

Paligo had the first Zendesk integration for technical documentation on the market, and with the power of a central cloud-based CCMS made for multi-writer teams its capabilities are unparalleled. In a locally installed Help Authoring Tool like Flare the process requires complex mapping and is tied to individual users.

Paligo gives you full control, and the mapping between Paligo content and Zendesk or Salesforce content is always in sync in the centralized CCMS for all technical writers on the team.

Read more: ShipStation got the power of content management and single-sourcing in their Zendesk workflow.

Paligo has a full workflow with editing/contribution, review, translation, release workflow stages, and assignments, together with a powerful Planner tool for project management.

Teams can follow review, translation, and contribution release workflows and have a full history of the documentation activities and changes, from the document level down to the smallest text fragment.

MadCap Flare uses an adapted version of HTML as the source format. Paligo on the contrary is based on robust, semantically rich industry standard XML.

A real XML source format ensures properly structured content, consistency, and an unparalleled flexibility for processing the content in multiple ways. True structured authoring ensures your valuable content’s longevity over time.

With installed Help Authoring Tool software (HAT tools) like Flare you will need to patch together an often complex tool chain to get the functionality you need to support a documentation team. Installations need to be managed on multiple computers, hotfixes need to be deployed when released, and so on. Projects need to be managed in a separate server and shuffled around for reviews and contributions, making collaboration difficult. Versioning, revision history, and workflow functionality requires separate software.

Paligo provides an all-in-one CCMS platform with authoring, content management, versioning, branching, release workflows, publishing, translation management built in. Updates are continuously and automatically applied in the cloud. No more tool chain headaches.

As a truly native cloud application from the ground up, Paligo provides unparalleled integrations with tools you need.

Publish your content directly to Zendesk, Salesforce, Freshdesk, Amazon S3, and many more, or get continuous integration support for GitHub and BitBucket. Send translations to Memsource. Get high end search with Algolia or Swiftype by Elastic. All seamlessly integrated into your own technical documentation software platform.