2017 News: Salesforce Desk, Custom Editor View and Even More Reuse!

January 17, 2017

Adding Salesforce Desk.com to the help desk integrations

We’re starting off 2017 with a bang – here are only some of the great updates released in January!

We recently introduced the help desk integrations in Paligo for Zendesk and Freshdesk. Now we can also add Salesforce Desk.com to all customers that want to have an easy way to share documentation and help content with their support portal!

Whether you just want support agents to have your technical documentation at their finger tips, or want the benefit of ticket deflection (auto-suggesting knowledgebase articles when users create tickets), you now have yet another way to reuse your content efficiently.

While the help desk integrations are fully working, they will still be in beta for a while longer to get customer feedback on further feature ideas, and available in all plans during this period, so more updates for this are on the roadmap too.

Improved Reuse Statistics

The Reuse Statistics are a great way to get some metrics on how much benefit you are getting from your single-sourcing. The previous metrics were a bit hard to interpret. This latest update gives you much more interesting data to realistically show you your reuse ratio.

Customize the editor view

The XML editor can show you a lot of information about your topic, such as the focus of the current element, whether there are any comments, it’s workflow/translation status and profiling/filters. However, different users work in different ways, and you may want to customize it to your preference. Well now you can. Choose to see just what suits you, or have a perfectly clean editing area.

You can even choose to go fully into a completely distraction free mode to use as much as possible of the screen estate for your writing.

Syntax highlighting for HTML5 output

While syntax highlighting has been available for a while, it was a configuration done by support. Now you can easily choose to enable or disable it as you please in the Layout Editor.

New Flexible Reuse Component

You have long been able to reuse all kinds of content in Paligo, from entire topics to warnings, notes, procedures, and custom elements, as well as the automatic text reuse in the editor.

Now we’re adding to this list the “Informal Topic”. This basically means you have a very flexible wrapper component that can be used to reuse almost anything inside your topics!

Copy Variable Sets

If you have created a big variable set with variants or variables that you want to reuse you might want to just copy the existing one. Now you can. Just click the context menu next to a variable set and you’ll find the option right there.

Speed improvement Resource Details View

The Resource Details pane that folds out for each component is really useful, showing you everything from translation status to reuse information, branches, assignments, etc. Due to all the data available here, it could sometimes be a bit slow to load. This has been greatly improved with the latest update, and it now shows you all this information really quickly.

Other improvements

  • Several translation workflow updates making it easier to make sure everything is included
  • Fixed bug that could hide the number/bullet for steps and listitems if you had filters on it
  • Many more updates in the Layout Editor, such as HTML5 online help structure options and bleed and cropmark printing options for PDF.
  • And many more minor improvements…
